Friday, September 15, 2017

Uphill Perception

It's a bizarre sight, seeing a ball roll up hill. Yes, optical illusion desist that cause people to thing the ground slopes in one direction when it actually doesn't. This wasn't one of those places. This was the driveway at work. The ground slanted downward. Water ran down that driveway slope. I'd seen it a dozen times before. I'd walked up that hill. I'd dropped a pen once and couldn't catch it fast enough to stop it from rolling into the street. So how in the world was I suddenly witnessing a ball rolling UP that hill with only a slight breeze to accompany it? My mind wandered as I wondered what I was witnessing. Finally the ball stopped propelling upward and westward. It tilted slightly and I watched as the cottonwood leaf fell, lifeless, at the top of that driveway.

Things are so rarely ever what we first perceive them to be, I admitted to myself. A hill might always be a hill, but a ball may not always be a ball.

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