My friend Amber and I sat in our usual booth after work, the scent of coffee and fried food wrapping around us like a familiar lullaby. The overhead lights cast a warm glow over the worn tabletop, illuminating the crumbs from a meal we’d barely paid attention to as we talked. This was our ritual—our sacred, stolen hour of normalcy. We vented, we laughed, we unraveled the day’s frustrations and stitched them back together with inside jokes no one else would ever understand.
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Paying for MCAS
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
The Art of Having a Constructive Conversation Without a Dismissive Comment.
Friday, January 19, 2024
Family Monsters
As a movement, there must be a change in how we address child trafficking.
Exploitation of a Survivor
I get regular requests to do interviews, speak or make videos on issues related to human trafficking.
If you request a survivor to make a video, do an interview or speak, please note that this is how many survivors earn a living. Therefore, if You ask for this without compensation, you are guilty of labor exploitation.
If you use our stories or images in a way that we have Not fully consented to, such as adding to them or using them with inappropriate images representing survivors, such as women or children tied up or in bondages of any kind. Then you are exploiting us for your own purposes without our express consent!
Please respect the voices of survivors by either taking down the inappropriate images, compensating survivors when you ask for these 'favors', and by being proactive by treating survivors as Professionals.
I am disturbed by the frequency I am getting asked by former law enforcement to do 'favors' for them by making videos for free!
Asking survivors to do videos or talks without compensation is another form of exploitation.
From now on, don't ask without first booking a paid appointment.
PAY the survivors!
(In this post I'll focus on Human Trafficking survivors but this can be for any survivor.)
Many survivors are sick of not being paid. I see their posts and I hear their frustrations.
Trust me, I get it.
How do we stop this?
How do we get others to take us seriously?
First and foremost it starts with YOU.
If someone or any entity reaches out to you to share your story, and they have no funds to pay you or can't meet your price- you have to be okay with telling them no.
Do not waste your time getting upset or giving them a lecture on how you deserve to be paid. Just say no and move on.
Also- don't knock on other survivors who accept the gigs you said no to.
We need to empower each other NOT disapprove of each other.
Yes, you may be a survivor but speaking is a business. So treat it as such. You have to carry yourself in the same way you'd like to be treated.
With respect and grace.
(And no I'm not saying your not doing this. I'm just saying always carry yourself in this way when it comes to you and your speaking business.)
These networks talk about the good people just as much as they talk about the bad ones.
Another thing I'd like to share and some may come at me for it but at the end it's constructive NOT destructive.
Just because you have a story doesn't mean you're a great speaker.
Invest in yourself.
Dedicate time in becoming the best.
Don't compare yourself.
This is a unique niche and there's room for ALL of us.
Get a life coach.
Get a mentor.
Go on YouTube and watch free classes on how to be an even better speaker.
If you have the money, go to public speaking seminars.
Moxie Institute is where I went to learn from the best. My mentor introduced to this.
Appearance is everything. I mean this.
When I walk into a room people assume I'm a donor or CEO, never the speaker.
Learn business etiquette.
Know your audience- each speaking engagement that you do will be different.
Know who's hiring you.
It's nice to be paid, but if you accidentally associate yourself with something or someone that's crappy, it can bite you in the ass in the future.
There are plenty of people out there that will pay you for your time and speaking services.
I promise you that if you do these things, you will find them.
Survivors in the Field
Do you employ survivors/lived experience experts?
Let's assume yes, because if the answer is no then… what are you even doing?
When you engage survivors to work with you, it's critical to remember that we aren't a box you check to get your funding. We are the lifeblood of this work. So let's make sure that all engagement with us is ethical!
1. Pay us. Real money. Not in exposure. Not in a free meal at your gala. A living wage.
2. Bring us in at the BEGINNING of the project. We have ideas and knowledge that you may not have and are happy to help you create the best version of whatever you are trying to do. We don't like being thrown completed projects and asked to do a 'once over' so you can label it 'survivor informed'.
3. Our story is our own. Some of us share, some don't. It's *never* okay to ask a survivor to share details of their exploitation for your benefit. Just don't.
This #humantraffickingawarenessmonth let's bring some awareness to how we treat the survivors IN the movement. We are a wealth of knowledge, empathy, care, compassion, and kindness and want to see you succeed! Let's work together so that can happen.
Friday, June 16, 2023
from Alcoholic to Author…
Rose Ann was a successful C-Suite executive and ministry leader in the church. She was a working mom of four and a social drinker. Over the years, life’s stresses and a difficult marriage created an environment where her alcohol usage increased significantly. After the collapse of her marriage, her drinking further escalated and she felt like a fraud with God and the Church. AA was not an option in her mind. She had already submitted to God and didn’t want to call herself an alcoholic. When COVID-19 hit, she enrolled in a coaching program to put alcohol to the side for three months. The rest has been an incredible journey of redemption and healing. This interview will impact your life in ways unimaginable. Come be inspired, LISTEN TODAY!
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TRIGGER WARNING: In this episode I'm talking with a trauma survivor about their history and recovery. Suicide, child abuse, and PTSD are common themes.
Pairing of guest and podcast provided by #PodMatch. To book yourself as a guest through Podmatch sign up using this link:
Paying for MCAS
My friend Amber and I sat in our usual booth after work, the scent of coffee and fried food wrapping around us like a familiar lullaby. The ...
This blog has been removed. If you're interested in reading the original first hand account of the kidnapping, please check out th...
I wanted to crawl back under the covers and hide. I wanted to cry myself to sleep, but sleep had already eluded me for the last 7 hours I...
On my way to work this morning I heard a song that reminded me of my childhood. The singer mentioned something about calloused hands and I ...