Saturday, December 3, 2022

Today I'd like to share a special message with you from author Jami Christine.
Jami was kind enough to join me on my podcast. We recorded her episode back in September, and what a remarkable woman she is.
Jami Christine was planning an at home birth for her first child. She had an overwhelming fear of hospitals, and a deep desire to give birth naturally. Unfortunately, life often pokes holes in the best made plans. Her son got stuck while Jami was in labor and she was sent to the hospital anyway. Jami found herself shutting down emotionally and mentally, and everything she did NOT want to happen, started to happen. She completely shut down emotionally and found herself completely disconnected during the c-section. Things only got worse from there for a while.

"My experience with trauma happened in 2011, when my dreams for a home birth with my first son got swept out from under me after my midwife detected a problem with his heart rate. After experiencing every intervention that I wanted to avoid, ending with an emergency c-section and a five-day stay at the hospital, I emotionally and mentally shut down and refused to believe what was happening to me.

"I was miserable, volatile, and borderline suicidal, and I realized I was turning out to be a terrible mother to my son in this condition. I joined a support group for cesarean moms, who then pointed me in the direction of counseling, and I began my journey to recovery. It took about two years to really overcome the brunt of it, but it required ongoing work beyond that, as well.

"I realize my downfall was my lack of flexibility. I refused to accept that anything other than a home birth was possible, and so when a trip to the hospital happened, I didn't know how to cope. One of my greatest lessons in this experience was the importance of accepting things as they happen. This is my advice to new mothers, too -- there's no way to prepare for a birth, so keep an open mind and be willing to go with the flow, and no matter what, STAY PRESENT. When I emotionally and mentally shut down in that hospital, my brain had a lot of work to do to recalibrate my emotions with my physical experience, and I learned later that that's what causes flashbacks: our brains keep trying to sync all that information up, and it results in replaying the trauma over and over in our minds.

"I later had a stroke, and that trip to the hospital was very different. Naturally I was scared, but I also had a new awareness that everything happens for a reason, and everything was going to work out the way it was meant to. I remained present in the experience, and I never experienced a trauma response afterwards. I also made a full recovery. This experience opened my eyes to the importance of acceptance, of presence, and of trust.

"These experiences inspired my novel, The Transcendent, which is due to release early next year. I also published a nonfiction, Transcend Your Story: A Guide to Transforming Your Healing Journey into an Inspirational Novel. My hope is that this book can help other aspiring authors take their own traumatic experiences and transform them into a story of healing and growth that can go on to inspire others on their own journeys. You can learn more about my books and my offerings on my website,"

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@jamichristine11 (TikTok),

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Friday, November 11, 2022

Military Vet Dacia Arnold speaks up

Today’s guest is Dacia Arnold. Dacia is an army veteran who served in Baghdad ER For 15 months during the surge. She was published in the New York Times and Full Magazine Volume III. She’s written about her experiences and I’m honored to have her on the show! This episode is a one hour special dedicated to Veterans Day. To all those who have, who are, or who will serve in one of the branches of the US Military, THANK YOU for your service to your country. Your honorable sacrifice is greatly appreciated. 

Listen to the episode:

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Monday, November 7, 2022

Why Not Run?


(Photo by Jonny Barber, Colfax Museum)

 As a survivor of human trafficking I'm often asked "How does that even happen?" Occasionally someone might become quite adamant that they believe it doesn't exist because people could just "run away" if they wanted to.  Not only are these extremely inflammatory and hurtful things to say to victims of violence, but it's also incredibly misleading. 

The first time I was trafficked I was an 18 year old kid. The second time, I was 19 and the third time, I was 31 years old. But I was no stranger to sexual molestation. Most victims of human trafficking have suffered some form of abuse at a young age.This was relatively new information to me back in 2018 but it made sense. Since then I've dug deeper and discovered it to not only be true, but to be a predominant force in the grooming aspect of young victims. But this isn't about abuse or molestation by a disgusting uncle or depraved brother while still a prepubescent child. This is about what happened when I was an adult and why I didn't simply "run away" like I was told I should have.

Most kids are between 12 and 14 years old when they're trafficked, but children under the age of 18 make up about 30% of the victims here in the USA, meaning most victims are over the age of 18 and that surprises so many people when I talk to them about it. I myself was legally considered an adult when I was trafficked. I'd even married someone twice my age trying to escape one trafficker when I was then on the run from the abusive marriage when I was trafficked a second time in an unrelated event. 

The truth is that I didn't know I was being trafficked. Just like most 12 to 14 year old victims, I was oblivious at first. I knew it was abusive, but it was still somewhat normal with what I'd already lived through. By the time I realized what was going on I'd already been threatened with my life at knife point and violently raped. Once I realized what was going on I would have given anything and everything I had to run. One of the times I was trafficked, I was held in a small room with no food, no water, no bathroom facilities, for 23.5 hours. Another time, I was in a foreign country and my passport, drivers license, debit card, and everything I owned was taken away by the police officer who had begun trafficking me. I tried to get out of the locked room and failed, leaving permanent scars on the back of my arm for the rest of my life. I tried to escape the police officer who was trafficking me and nearly ended my life when I got out of the house. I saw no other solutions to escape. 

Obviously, attempts to escape didn't work out very well for me at first. Unlike most young kids, I didn't have a family around to care what happened to me, so the usual threats were pretty empty. The "I'll kill your family" coercion tactics had no bearing on me. My immediate family was thousands of miles away every time it happened to me. I didn't know how to find what limited extended family I had if any existed. The threats were empty. But so was I. 

Nobody knew where I was. Nobody cared. But I wasn't about to die or be sold or passed around like some child's toy anymore. I fought back, and hard. I'm a redhead. It's in my nature. So when I did finally manage to get free, I did run. I ran like my life depended on it, because it did. When I was 19 I ran straight to a police officer in Florida who didn't believe me when I told her. I ran to get my things. I ran to a park where I slept for several nights. I ran to the arms of a man I didn't know. I ran back to my ex-husband who had been abusing me. I ran away from him and moved out of state. I ran out of places to run to and yet I still kept running. For TWENTY YEARS I was running. Eventually I ran straight into another trafficker, this time someone I'd known for seven years. When I got away from him I ran to a friend who couldn't understand how something like that could happen without my permission and she began telling people I had been a high-priced call girl. So I ran from her. Then I kept running.I'd lived a pretty harsh life, always on the run from something, but mostly on the run from myself and my internal shame. 

One day I just got tired of running. Instead, I sat down, exhausted and hungry for something new. I picked up my pen and I wrote my story. I published my book, and I stopped running. I started owning my past instead. 

The biggest reason most of us don't talk about our life? WE BLAME OURSELVES.

That's right. We blame ourselves for the early molestation, the physical abuse, the mental abuse, the emotional abuse. We shoulder all of that, even when people tell us not to, no matter how much they insist that it's not our fault. I blamed myself for dating an older man when I was 18 and for ending up in that position when I was 19, and the root of that can be traced back to early abuse. I was constantly told that if bad things kept happening to me, that there was a 'common denominator' and that it was my fault. I was told that I needed to change something about myself or people would never like me. I was told these things by my mother, who had no idea I'd been molested already. I can't blame her for what other's did to me, and I never will, but I can completely understand where the "it's my fault" mentality came from. I was an abused child with behavioral problems, crying out for help, and I wasn't heard. She wasn't a psychologist so there was no way she could know these things. I don't blame her for that either. Instead, I blamed myself when I should have been blaming the abusers and perpetrators. 

So think about that the next time you ask someone why they didn't just 'run away' from abuse. When abuse starts at the age of 4 you're too little and too small to run away. When it happens at 11 you're too slow to get away. When it happens at 14 you have nowhere to go. When it happens at 18 or 19 you're so used to abuse you wonder if that's all your life was ever meant to be. 

And when you discover there are still good people in the world who can love someone who was so horribly treated, you sometimes don't know how to react. I've hurt a LOT of people because I thought they were going to hurt me first. 

I didn't run away at first because I had nowhere to go. When I did start running away, I never really stopped for 20 long, brutal, violent, abusive years. I finally stopped running now. Now I'm fighting. And I fight like a redhead. I fight dirty. I fight with words people aren't always willing to listen to. I fight with my own story. I fight with a passion and energy I've never had for anything else. And I'll never stop fighting. I'm going back for the girls I left behind and I'll never stop until I find them. 

But the average lifespan of a child in trafficking is only seven years before they're killed, they commit suicide, or they die of an overdose/alcohol poisoning. Seven YEARS left to live, starting at the age of twelve. Imagine that for a moment. Imagine almost half your life being daily rape and torture. I bet you can't. I've lived through some nasty stuff and even I can't imagine that. 

There are anti-trafficking groups in every state of the USA. Ignorance is not an excuse. If you can help, you should help. It doesn't have to be money or time. It could be as little as getting an education on what to look for, and how to report sightings to the right departments within the police. Someone else's life might depend on it. Someone else's life might depend on YOU. Wouldn't you rather do something than let a 12-year-old child die of a drug overdose from substances they didn't even want to take? I know I would. 

If you're in Colorado, please reach out to Covered Colorado or Shift Freedom to learn more about this modern day slavery, and help put an end to the struggle. If you're in another state, find one near you. They exist, I promise. If you can't find one, ask me. I'll help you. There are international organizations. There's a national organization. There are ways to help.

But please don't ask a survivor of abuse and/or trafficking why they didn't just "run away" because, believe me, we do when we can, but even harder than that is learning how to NOT run away anymore once we are finally safe.

Friday, November 4, 2022

Author Jasmine Shouse Fought Trafficking in the Military, and Now Fights Mental Health Stigmas.



Later today on the podcast you're going to get to hear how Jasmine Shouse was inspired to write her book "Insanely Sane" and she's going to inspire YOU in ways you can't begin to imagine. This incredible woman is a hero of mine. She worked in counter-trafficking in the military and she's been changed forever because of her own traumas. She wrote a guest blog below for you guys, and I hope you take a moment to read it, listen to the podcast tonight at 6pm MST and grab a copy of her incredible book, Insanely Sane.


From Jasmine:

After years of battling trauma and depression and trying everything I thought I could - self-harm, therapy, medicine - I still struggled with my mental health. My physical health was falling apart, my career in the Navy was at risk, and I couldn't stop the suicidal ideations. I asked my supervisor for a reprieve and was told I wasn't high risk enough. It got to the point where I had to look for excuses to not make an attempt. Something as simple as, "I want to finish the rest of this song" probably saved me from serious injury more than once.

In the midst of all of this, I faced medical evaluation to see if I could continue to serve. The day I got the results had already been draining, and I had a breakdown. Thankfully, I was already in the mental health clinic and was rushed in to see a senior doctor. He sent me to inpatient treatment. Ambulance ride and everything. I spent the next two months doing some deep dive work on myself and my trauma in both inpatient and partial hospitalization. When I left the hospital, I dug up a story I'd started when I was 14 and tackled National Novel Writing Month in doing a re-write using everything I learned and felt during treatment. 

Insanely Sane incorporated real healing techniques and true emotions. I wanted to publish it to give people a different look at mental hospitals. There is so much stigma around mental illness and therapy that I wanted to show the benefits that come from it without sugar-coating the reality of trauma.


Tune in tonight at 6pm MST to hear Jasmine in her own words.  
ABTS - The Podcast.



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Monday, October 17, 2022

She was almost trafficked because of her MOM? 😳

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Friday, October 14, 2022

Bianca Ambrosio Speaks Up


In a few short hours, the podcast interview with Bianca Ambrosio will go live at the ABTS podcast (listen here!) at 6pm (October 14th 2022), and she wanted to offer a guest blog post for you in advance. This young woman is amazing and has gone through things most people couldn't begin to imagine, except in some unbelievable Hollywood productions.


"I was inspired to write my book Gracey, which is currently in the editing process, after remembering the experience of almost being trafficked when my mother found an audition in the Backstage that was not legitimate. I was flooded with memories of my childhood, including my father being in prison when I was born and for most of my life, plus growing up in a very particular area of Queens, NY that has a large Italian population. Even though the subject matter of my book is serious, I wrote it with a sense of humor, bringing on the peculiarities of my family and the setting. I hope you can read it one day and see for yourself.

Writing the book was very cathartic for me and helped me on my healing journey. I recommend writing in any form as one way to express emotions and begin to heal. Thank you for listening to my story."

- Bianca Ambrosio


In case you didn't catch that, this young lady was nearly trafficked at a young age because of some terrible decisions being made around her. She's quite remarkable and I'm looking forward to the episode airing. You've got to hear this story, straight from the young woman who lived it.

Thank you, Bianca. I completely agree with you. Without discovering the incredible world of writing, I never would have healed from my own past traumas enough to do what I'm doing now.

Congratulations to Bianca Ambrosio on her forthcoming book and future successes. 



Monday, October 10, 2022

Foster and Adoption struggles - Author Layla Reed has gone through it all.

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Paying for MCAS

My friend Amber and I sat in our usual booth after work, the scent of coffee and fried food wrapping around us like a familiar lullaby. The ...