Thursday, October 16, 2014

Vote Ginger!!!!!

Now, THIS is transformation. 

I'm a Flight Attendant in the USA, based in Los Angeles. I've been a ginger since infancy, though I've tried out going blonde and brunette - and even a short spell with jet black hair. They all did different things for me (the black made me look like Bettie Page) but nothing has ever been as striking as RED hair.

However, "striking" isn't always a good thing and I was venomously tortured as a kid. I had knives pulled on me in school, gangs of girls would corner me in the halls and relentlessly poke, prod, punch and jab me. Boys would constantly ask the "carpet and drapes" question. Once, a girl named Shirelle (about 6'2" in the 8th grade) used my body to break a Coke machine in the hallway at school.

I've since learned how to OWN my hair, but it took the very real challenge of cutting it all off and starting all over before I could do it. It seemed with each inch that grew, so did my confidence.

On a side note:

Perhaps then you could help me out. I just entered my first ever pageant. I just entered a pinup competition. The 20 people with the top votes will be in a stage pageant in Denver this December. It's the weekend before my birthday and it would be an incredible birthday present. So if you guys would be so kind as to walk on over there with your fingers and click the like button on the photo, it would be one more vote towards my birthday present. Thank you!!

Before and After

Professional photo courtesy of :
Michael O'Donnell, 
San Francisco based photographer. 
Hair, makeup and wardrobe by me. 


  1. Interestingly enough..... Shirelle was and still is a red-head too..... I think I vaguely remember when that happened, hearing about it, not so much seeing it. I remember how angry she was about everything, she too had reason to be angry, but unlike you, she reached out at others. I'm pleased to know that she's come a long way and is a strong momma and clean and sober and loving her new life. :)

  2. Please forgive me if I prefer not to converse with her and discover these things for myself, but I trust you and I'm glad she's doing well. Hope she got past all that anger.


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