Saturday, February 17, 2018


It really is remarkable, what a simple emotion like jealousy can cause someone to do. I have a difficult time understanding how people can believe there is justification in their actions when they do something completely immoral and disgusting, claiming that they know everything and trying to destroy what could easily help save thousands of lives. What kind of selfish idiot would do something like that?

You never know who somebody is. It could be somebody you’ve known for the last 20 years of your life or it could be somebody you haven’t seen since you were eight years old. People, often claiming to have the best intentions, can stir up a lot of drama simply because they truly only have their own intentions at heart. I may never understand what motivates people to be so completely compulsive and manipulative, but I have to say that I don’t really much care anymore. There was a time it might have offended me or it might have made me angry. That’s not me anymore. I’ve learned that there are going to be idiots and jerks and all-around truly despicable, disgusting, bad people in the world. My getting angry is never going to change that. My getting upset is never going to alter their opinions or their lies. There’s nothing I can do to change them, but I can certainly do something to change myself. It’s rather liberating, not letting the jerks and the bullies of the world have any power. 

I just don’t care. It’s pretty simple, really. They can claim every negative lie that they want to, but they could never back it up with fact. 

Speaking of lies, Greene had an “E” on the end. 


  1. No, you are wrong again. You of all people should know Josh's last name was Green, not Greene. No E on the end of it. But then it wasn't the spelling of his name you were really interested in back then, was it? You might check out his obituary in February 2017. I know without a doubt you remember 'Green Dental Lab'. Nice try though to shift the blame and focus off of your own behavior. Also, I don't know of anyone who is or has ever been 'jealous' of you or anything you have or don't have. It appears you have gained some wisdom with age. I'm guessing you are around 40 yrs old at this point. It's nice to see you are trying to help others. (I hope your intentions are authentic and pure). After all, God knows every detail of your life. Little else matters when we stand before him at the end of this life. I'll just sign this one as Kay...(Katherine Green).

    1. Hey, you wanna put this INCREDIBLE human being on blast, be my guest. I'll never have anything bad to say about him. He was never inappropriate with me. He was kind to me, simple as that, KAY. You may speak ill of the dead all you like, you won't bait me into being as nasty and heartless as you are.


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