Monday, March 14, 2022

Going to Market

 So I've decided to try something new this year. I'm going to be visiting the local farmers markets in the Denver area to sell books and paintings, as well as get some writing done, paint some new pieces, and generally just focus on my creativity. (For those who don't know I've had some minor health issues lately that have made it hard to work a 'normal' job and my concentration is completely shot.) I've got it all planned out and I'm working on the final details now. It's exciting for me. This is something I've always wanted to do, and I can finally see a chance to do it right. My husband fully supports my desire to do this, and though I have no clue if it will be a lucrative mission, I do know it will be successful in the way that I want and need it to be. 

Traditionally I don't really pay for marketing when it comes to my books. I focus on what I'm able to do, take care of what I'm able to do myself, and let the rest just ride. It's served me well enough over the last year, but it's time to put in just a bit more effort now. It's time to really do something that can make a difference. I"m not talking about the kind of 'difference' that comes from just selling a few more books, either. I'm talking about also raising awareness of human trafficking (since that's so often what I've written about or what my paintings have incorporated in some way), and opening peoples eyes to knowing what that looks like when it's staring them in the face.  

How many survivors of human trafficking have you ever met? I'm willing to bet that number is much higher than you might believe. There's a stigma involved, and a lot of people don't want to admit to it. We're looked down on for it. We lose jobs over it. We're shunned by family and friends because of it. We're thought of as 'less than' due to it. But we are not less than. We are warriors. We are survivors. We do what so many have not been able to do. Statistics shared over the last several years indicate that less than 2% of all victims of human trafficking ever survive. So few ever thrive. Maybe if people begin to see what's possible from a survivor of trafficking, I might help to change that stigma.  So I'll welcome those people into my world and remind them that every face is attached to a human, every story of survival is attached to success. 

This is my new world. 

Friday, March 11, 2022


 There have been so many different forms of movement in my life recently as I navigate new challenge, welcome beautiful changes and create new adventures. Here's a basic rundown...

I GOT MARRIED! Kyle is amazing. He's patient and understanding, kind and caring, affectionate and amazing. What's more, he loves cats! I had four before we met. He had two cats and a dog. Between the two of us, now we have a petting zoo.

THE BOOKS: My second book in the sci-fi series came out last November. It's available worldwide now. That means there's only one book to go and that one will be out this September. Currently available are "The Unlikely" and "New Hope." Yet to come is "Fair Play" and is in process of being written now. My autobiography "Custom Justice" has done fairly well, and because of that I started up my podcast again. I'm going through and reading each chapter of Custom Justice. Doing that gave me such good audio practice and knowledge that I finally recorded my first ever audio book, which is ALSO available around the world now, through multiple outlets! It's all so exciting for me. I'm currently running a special sale on The Miller Miles if people order through my Facebookk Page or Etsy shop. It's SUPER cheap and not likely to last long. (It's cheaper on Etsy because of the free shipping anywhere in the USA).

As you can see when you first go to my website ( if you've never been), my next book is currently available for preorder, too. Titled "Lost April" I took the time to chronicle my own struggles at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. Except I wasn't dealing with a "flu-like virus" but rather friends dying of cancers and brain tumors, terrible roommates, horrible circumstances (a terrible roommate totaled my car) and more. Throughout the three months of keeping record, I saw a tremendous growth just within myself and my ability to feel emotions I didn't think I could. It all prepared me for what would come next in my life.

That's the basic rundown for now, but I'll have more updates soon. I didn't want to drown you in everything I could updated you on, but I think this was fairly sufficient.

Leave a comment, send a message, follow on facebook, like on Linkedin, tag on Twitter, or engage on instagram, but enjoy your day!

- Amanda Blackwood

Paying for MCAS

My friend Amber and I sat in our usual booth after work, the scent of coffee and fried food wrapping around us like a familiar lullaby. The ...