Friday, January 19, 2024

Exploitation of a Survivor

As a survivor leader I feel that it is my duty to inform.
I get regular requests to do interviews, speak or make videos on issues related to human trafficking.
If you request a survivor to make a video, do an interview or speak, please note that this is how many survivors earn a living. Therefore, if You ask for this without compensation, you are guilty of labor exploitation.
If you use our stories or images in a way that we have Not fully consented to, such as adding to them or using them with inappropriate images representing survivors, such as women or children tied up or in bondages of any kind. Then you are exploiting us for your own purposes without our express consent!

Please respect the voices of survivors by either taking down the inappropriate images, compensating survivors when you ask for these 'favors', and by being proactive by treating survivors as Professionals.

I am disturbed by the frequency I am getting asked by former law enforcement to do 'favors' for them by making videos for free!

Asking survivors to do videos or talks without compensation is another form of exploitation.
From now on, don't ask without first booking a paid appointment.

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