Thursday, June 9, 2011

Bucket List

100 things to do before I die.

  1. Paris
  2. Greece
  3. Spain
  4. Boston
  5. New York City
  6. Fiji
  7. London
  8. Louvre
  9. India
  10. Dance in the rain with someone I love
  11. Give an unforgetable gift
  12. Write a book
  13. Make something that will last hundreds of years
  14. Get published
  15. Go to college
  16. Get a degree
  17. Sky dive
  18. Own a horse and go riding
  19. Go for a ride in a small private plane - preferably a Cesna.
  20. Own another purple heart necklace
  21. Buy my own diamond earrings
  22. Van Gogh Museum
  23. Create a cartoon series
  24. Teach someone how to keep surviving against all odds
  25. Learn to paint
  26. Take a photography class

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