Monday, March 12, 2012

The Room

By the time the train finally made it to the station, it was quite late. After taking the cab to the hotel, it was far later. Several trains had been delayed so the taxi line was astronomically long. My fingers were numb by the time I got into the warmed cab, and I tried hard not to shiver the whole way to the hotel.

Finally I was headed up to the room. I was Beyond exhausted and knew it wouldn't be long before I was out cold. I walked into the room and refused to let my friend know, but the room alone took my breath away. It was utterly elegant with a large bed in the center, a couch and two smaller chairs around a table, and all facing the windows where draped hung from the vaulted ceiling to the floor. The bath was one of the finest I have ever seen, complete with bath salts and a service tray. The stone sinks were of a cream granite and the loveliest I've ever known to exist. I tried not to gasp, but the bathing room truly made me stop mid-sentence.

Then the curtains were flung back.

There before me, larger than life and more beautiful than any photo could ever depict, stood the proud monument, the Eiffel Rower herself. I nearly cried.

It was several long moments before I remembered that I had cameras with me and should take a photo or two.

Suddenly the tower broke into a sparkling celebration of dazzling lights and again I stood in awe of this wondrous creation.

When finally the two days of traveling caught up to me and I began to sway in place at the window I decided it was time. I didn't want to close the curtains though - I wanted to see that amazing structure when I woke up right away. After all, nobody had pinched me yet. I still wasn't convinced that it wasn't a dream.

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