Friday, October 11, 2019

Experts vs. Survivors - My Latest Radio Interview with NAASCA

I have a number of friends who have survived human trafficking (we met through anti-trafficking groups) and one thing I've become quite aware of is that most of us don't have a voice. Everyone wants to be an 'expert' on human trafficking, but most of the 'experts' have honestly NO CLUE what it means to be a survivor. They just know statistics. I am not a statistic. I am a voice in the darkness, hurting and scared, but growing louder in spite of what is being done to me.

I just did a 90 minute radio interview on Wednesday with NAASCA, please feel free to listen to my story. Just know, I'm not afraid anymore. I'm not afraid of answering the hard questions.

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Family Monsters

Familial Trafficking survivors are trafficked within their own homes and communities by those who should be there to care, love, and protect...