Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Bad Joke

A Congresswoman, an inventor, a District Attorney and a guy who toured with Fleetwood Mac for 20 years were sitting in a cigar shop.

While it sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, it actually isn't.  That's how I spent this evening - with these incredible and influential people.  I sat and had a cigar with them and was treated as an equal.

I'm usually always treated as an equal no matter what crowd I'm mixing with.  It's one of the great pleasures of my life, to be respected for my mind and spirit just as much as anything else.  I do smell very much like cigar smoke at the moment though and desperately need a shower.  Still, it was an incredible evening, and not one I'm likely to forget anytime soon.

Today I even had lunch with Christi and Vic Edelbrock!  It was a day filled with influential and powerful people.  I'm sure I'll share more about it later on, but for now I'll keep it somewhat private, since the matters discussed were things that are not for the public to know about at the moment.

I will say this though - the Edelbrock "Rev'ved Up 4 Kidz" car show this year on May 6th is going to be an amazing event with lots of fun times.  People can actually purchase tickets now online at the Edelbrock website I believe.  I can't wait to go myself.  It looks like a fun time, and the proceeds go to Charity.

Join us at the Edelbrock car show! Come meet Christi and Vic Edelbrock yourself!  Come meet me, the author of the Lady Blackwood blog!  It's hard to miss me - this is what I look like this very second... so come say hi!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an amazing day! Glad that such a day happened to such a nice person.


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Paying for MCAS

My friend Amber and I sat in our usual booth after work, the scent of coffee and fried food wrapping around us like a familiar lullaby. The ...