Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dreams of Scotland

In my dreams this past March 3rd, I remember fondly walking along with a blue eyed man in among a collection of very tall, very old buildings, some as tall as 6 or 7 stories. It was the first dream I had of Scotland in a few years. At one time, my dreams of Scotland came nightly. Since this dream, they have continued every night once more. In only 3 days I'll be on a plane, bound for Scotland at long last.

We were walking hand in hand, the cobblestones and bricks underfoot clinking gently with each step. The blue eyed man was taking me on a tour of Edinburgh. It was so lovely. Some of the curved faces of the ancient buildings had signs and fire ladders on them, curving with the tune of the building. Bits of red or blue were painted on the faces of the buildings, but it was mostly stone work that towered over us. I marveled at the way they held their strength through the years, so proud and strong. Every here and there were modern touches, like an internet cafe or a tea house. One shop even had a giant nose with a pair of eye glasses attached to it over the door. That one made me laugh. We were walking up a hill when we saw that one on our left. I remember pointing it out and he made a comment about how it wasn't polite to make fun of someone's nose. I laughed more.

For dinner we cleaned up and went back to the old area and went to a place that had real Scottish food, since he knew that I'd never had any. I don't remember what it was called, though I thought it was an odd name, but I knew not to put a lot into a name. I believe it turned out to be named after the street it was on. The door was nearly on the street without much of a sidewalk just in front. The door was bright red and I immediately loved it. Inside it was beautiful! Round collumns stretched from the ceiling to the old wooden floor. It, like everything else, was steeped in history. It was ancient, with character showing in every crease. The walls were a shade of red and the entire place seemed alive. As if they knew we were coming, the staff seated us right away and he ordered a bottle of wine.

Dinner was amazing. I'll never forget the meal, though I'm still not sure of what it was we ate. Everything came out so beautiful, and it had to be some of the prettiest food I had ever eaten. The wine was exellent, but more than anything the company was the best part. Towards the end of dinner, when the staff cleared away the dishes and we were left with only our wine glasses, he reached over and took my hand.

"Did you like your dinner," he asked me slowly.

"Yes, very much so. This is so wonderful. I don't want to go home in a few days, I really don't," I replied.

"I know, but we both have responsibilities. We'll get it sorted out." I know I looked sad for a moment when he said this, but I decided that I wasn't going to let the thought of my inevitable return ruin this perfect evening. "You look beautiful, did I tell you that?"

"Thank you," I smiled at him.

"I think you're the most beautiful thing I ever saw," he said, and I blushed. "No, I know you are." I blushed more.

"Thank you." I paused for a moment before I continued. "These past few days have been some of the most incredible days of my life. I wondered what it would be like to be here with you and now that I know, I will be counting the days before I can see you again. My life is going to feel a little empty without you in it, over there in California. I love being with you."

"I love being with you too." He smiled broadly, his beautiful blue eyes shining. He was up to something and I couldn't quite figure out what it was. "Now," he said "this wont be happening tomorrow, and we'll have to plan it out, but if you agree to this, I think we can make a go of it."
"Agree to what?" I asked.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out something small. He held my hand tightly. The blue eyed man seemed nervous for some reason. He took a deep breath, and then he opened his mouth to speak.

"I remember a question I asked you. Why do you love me? Why me? I have an answer for why I love you, would you like to hear it?"

"Well, yes!" I said excitedly.

"I love you because you bring out a side of me that I never knew existed. Food and drink taste different. I hear and feel music in a different way. I think about goals and the future that include you now. You're always on my mind. I miss you when you're not around, but you're always with me. I feel loved. I'll love you for as long as I live. I know it will be hard and I know that we will have our up and down times, but I know we are good for each other. We are meant for each other. It was written in the stars. Amanda, will you marry me and take my name and be a part of my life?"

May all of our dreams come true.

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