Friday, March 18, 2011

Was it a Dream?

The next message I got in return really changed the world for me. It was the begining of the end for me - the end of life in Los Angeles after so many years.


"After waking on Sunday morning and remembering that I had the courage after a few beers to tell you how I was feeling I felt slightly embarrassed. As you say, we had two occasions to see things through and failed on both attempts. As I lay in bed on Sunday morning I thought to myself, what gives me the right to say such a thing to you after all this time? Was I putting our friendship in jeopardy by letting my feelings out if the bag in such an impersonal manner?

"I logged on to face book with the intention of asking you to ignore what I had written the previous night and was going to blame it on being melancholy.

"No, stop was the voice I heard...from where I don't know. She must know, even if it's just to put this matter behind you both. I listened to that voice and allowed you to read the email as you found it.

"Truth be told, I have felt exactly the same as you have. You have never once been out of my thoughts after all these years. I have continually tried to fight it, but each time the overwhelming urges rise to the surface. After reading your reply I am pleased that I did not try and take back what I had written, after all, it was the truth.

"There is a large gap in my life that has been waiting to be filled by you. I have learned to suppress these feeling for many years now and a few more months will make no difference. I understand that although we both feel this strong bond, even across thousands of miles, we must take it a stage at a time. There must be a reason why we still feel this way? There must be a reason why we keep popping up in each others life? That reason could be that we were meant to be! It is written in the stars!? Or perhaps it is just a coincidence. Personally I believe this fist reason to be true.

"So, where do we go from here? Whatever we decided I'm sure it will be for the best.

"I have missed you terribly. I crave to be with you and share our time together. I know I am the one that can take care of you when you are in need of support! I am yours if you will have me?

"Late August / early September is a great time to visit the UK and I look forward to meeting you at the airport the day you step foot into my life. If you are sure about visiting then we can start looking at flights and costs. This is a two way agreement therefore I insist in helping out with costs. Since reading your reply I can't stop smiling and you have made me so happy once again!!

"I love you too and love will always prevail."

It wasn't long before I started researching flight costs. I couldn't wait to get there.

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