Thursday, June 10, 2010

Leave Me Be

Written in 2006 to my THEN stalker.

I guess the short and long of it is that if you were to ask me today where I thought this relationship was going, I’d have to be brutally honest and say nowhere. I cant see a future with you. I’ve never had such a short amount of time with someone be the whole of so many problems! I try very hard to keep my life as drama free as I can. Lord knows I’ve had enough drama in my short life to last me for the rest of it. I keep work and personal issues completely separate. I hang my problems outside the door every night and I know where to pick them up in the morning. There’s a line.

If there is anything more you need to say to me about anything personal, you may feel free to email me or call my home number. Other than that, the work numbers and email addresses are for work related topics of conversation only. I understand it would not be fair of me to completely cut you off from vocalizing your thoughts and opinions after an email like this, so I do extend that courtesy to you. However, please be sure that you have collected your thoughts, opinions, and ideas well. This courtesy will only be extended one last time.

I will be home tomorrow from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. PST. If you wish to talk to me via telephone, that is your window. Otherwise, just drop me an email sometime. Just remember, only one. I can not stress enough that I ask you’ve collected your thoughts well.

I have terms and conditions I suppose you could call them.
I will not put up with being cut off, having the conversation dominated, or being spoken to in a condescending manor.
The conversation will not exceed the 6:30 time I have outlined above.
If for any reason I hang up on you, you do NOT have the right to call me back.
(there will be prior warning if there is a violation to the terms so that you might have the opportunity to correct your actions BEFORE I hang up.)
The phone conversation will be as an alternative to an email.
If you decide instead to send me an email and not call, that will be a replacement for the call.
If you call me before the time outlined above, the call will be voided and you will be hung up on immediately.
If you call me at my work number and try to discuss anything outside of the weather, your health, or work related material, the call will be immediately terminated; any other personal calls scheduled will also be terminated.
If more than one email with your name attached reaches my inbox, they will all be immediately erased without being opened.

All other personal communications after that will be avoided by me at all cost, and I would only suggest that you do the same.

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